American Eagle Overview

Quote Creation

     The American Eagle A Product Line selection on the EzONE Hub menu will allow the conversion of a quote from Mainline to American Eagle and back again, at any time. includes Pumpers and Rescue Pumpers -     

     American Eagle quote creation is identical to creating a Mainline quote. A quote is created in the same way and EzONE is still launched from the red wrench icon on the quote tab Displays the Quote Number:, Unit Information:, Customer Information:, Dealer Reference:, Date Information: and Quote Actions: sections on the quote window.quote window Displays the Quote Number:, Unit Information:, Customer Information:, Dealer Reference:, Date Information: and Quote Actions: sections..quote window .quote window .quote window .quote window .quote window .quote window .quote window .quote window .quote window .quote window .quote window .quote window .quote window .quote window ..


Converting a New/Empty Quote to American Eagle

     Once EzONE is opens to the Hub menu, the ‘Product Line’ selection is visible in the upper left. See image below.



     Changing the Product Line selection causes the conversion of a quote from one product line to another. Product Line conversion is available at any time. If the quote is empty, (no selections made) the conversion will be made freely.


Making selections for an American Eagle quote

     Making option selections for an American Eagle quote is identical to a Mainline quote. However, the number of visible selections is reduced. See an example below of the Engine Brand selection in Mainline and in American Eagle quotes.

Mainline                                                               American Eagle



Converting an Existing Mainline Quote to American Eagle

     If selections have been made (inside Cab, Pumper Body, etc.) and the quote is being converted from Mainline to American Eagle, a warning will be displayed. See image below of the conversion warning.



     Selecting ‘NO’ will close the warning, and the quote IS NOT converted.

     Selecting ‘YES’ to the conversion will cause the quote to become invalid, and require validation by opening each section that has already had selections made (Cab, Pumper Body, Plumbing and Electrical). The reason for this is that any selections that are not within the American Eagle product offering will be cleared. These cleared selections will need to be answered before the quote is valid and can be work flowed. It is highly recommended that a copy of the quote be created and used for conversion to American Eagle from an existing Mainline quote. This will leave the existing quote as a backup and prevent loss of work.

     A complete American Eagle Overview and users guide is available on the Info Library tab in the Dealer Portal A Web based server application that runs in Microsoft® Internet Explorer® utilizing Web services on the Internet. This application improves and simplifies your sales process..


Converting an Existing American Eagle Quote to Mainline

     An American Eagle quote may be converted to Mainline at any time.


American Eagle Quote Management and Financials

     Once American Eagle EzONE selections have been completed and returned to the quote screen with a valid, green wrench an automatic pricing incentive will be applied. If the quote was converted from a Mainline quote, any concession approval or request will be removed. No additional concession requests will be available on an American Eagle quote.

     The American Eagle quote may now be work flowed as normal.


Product Help

     If you have any questions regarding the American Eagle product offering, please contact Product Management.


Technical Help

     If you have any questions regarding training or EzONE support, please contact Dealer Systems Support.


Related Topics:

Create a new quote

Quote tab

Bid tab

BOM tab

CR tab

Loose tab

Financial tab

Misc Adj tab

Add-ons tab

Trades tab

Reports tab

Files tab

History tab

Working With an Existing Quote

New Tradition Overview
